Clinical Thermometers for Health Care Professionals


Clinical Thermometers

Tempa·DOT®, NexTemp®, and TraxIt® clinical thermometers are available through major medical supply distributors such as NHS Supply Chain, Bunzl Careshop, C and P Medical, Medisave, Mediteq, and most smaller regional local distributors. Internationally, Medical Indicators is represented by independent distributors in over 40 countries. These independent distributors sell to all channels of distribution within their territories.

Medical Indicators products are distributed from our Midlands facility and can be quickly transported to ordering institutions.

If you’re looking for a part number for a specific distributor, please contact us.

Interested in Becoming a Distributor?

Click the button below to get in touch with us regarding becoming a potential partner. Your information will be forwarded for consideration as a potential partner. Medical Indicators will provide a response regarding our level of interest. If an opportunity exists, you may be asked to submit more specific information about your business or service.
